Archive for March, 2013

Confederation chief economist Stein Reegård fear that dichotomy in Norwegian industry will lead to increased wage inequality – which in time will create an economy like Saudi Arabia.

The mistress and servants at work.

Today let analysis firm Pöyry forward economic report “Norwegian economy”, such as addresses the dichotomy in the Norwegian industry.

The report describes how the major activity in the North Sea, particularly the supply industry earns good money, contributing to continued strong growth in wages. While struggling export industry, due to a strong dollar, high costs and enervating conditions internationally.

This dichotomy makes it difficult to gain support for the wage restraint that particular export industry is looking for, points Pöyry.

It can create trouble, says analyst:

“This one is in danger of experiencing is that cohesion on either the employee and / or employer to break up. Wage growth is in this case significantly higher than our forecasts, “writes Pöyry report.

Fears Saudi economy

LO is largely agrees with the analyst. Stein Reegård, which is LO’s chief economist, told Dagbladet that dichotomy in the short term has already turned into something as rare as a bargaining failure in an interim settlement: After the breakup of negotiations between LO and NHO Thursday of last week, it becomes clear that this year’s wage goes to mediation. It will take place after Easter.

This is the first time in 10 years LO and NHO must be national mediator for help in an interim settlement, where you really just need to negotiate to adjust wages in line with inflation and the economy.

– This year’s settlement is an illustration of the problem, which is behind this dichotomy, says Reegård to Dagbladet.

During this year’s bargaining NHO has been harsh that the vast majority will have zero dollars in general as well.

– If you want to keep the cooperation we have on wage formation we have today, and that is a huge advantage for businesses, it is important that it also be given central wage increases. With zero also the basis for the current national negotiations away, allowing for high local well and thus greater economic differences. When one gets a spread in wage growth continues Reegård.

Notifications more to the leaders

Also, according to research firm Pöyry hold it not to urge moderation in wage settlements, money from the North Sea will still find its way into the economy. If that happens outside the main proceedings, it could lead to economic differences, they warn.

“Strong economic growth coupled with moderate pay increases, implies either strong capital income or groups outside wage gets a far higher wage than those with mainly central wage increases. Also executive pay will then be able to grow a lot, “according to the new report.

– Some will still benefit from the economic growth. If you are worried about the cost to the Norwegian industry must regulate demand in the economy instead of pointing the finger at the social life, which had to negotiate the revenue that is actually there. You have to regulate the income, not distort income distribution, says Roger Bjørnstad, chief economist at Pöyry, to Dagbladet.

– Can get masters and servants

In the long term fear LO-Chief economy that dichotomy in the industry to create a Saudi Arabia-economy, with a salary nobility associated with a growing petroleum industry and a poorer servants held outside the oil party:

– In the old days there was talk about a Kuwait-economics, where it was feared inflation as a result of state oil spending. Now the more the danger that we have a self-oil economy, which can create large economic differences, says Reegård.

– One can say that the problem becomes more acute as a result of two mechanisms: size of the oil economy and immigration. The larger oil economy becomes, the greater the wage for part of the work associated with this. Meanwhile, strong immigration to drag down wages in service occupations standing outside.

He continues:

– If this happens, there will be a fundamental break with the Norwegian model. This will provide greater unfairness, and it will damage the economy. Regular wage distribution is actually efficiency enhancing. When avoids large groups going in low productivity jobs, as we know from the U.S.: People who put food in bags at supermarkets for example.

Also Pröyry warns dichotomy:

“Further constitute the strong immigration challenge. Norwegian working life develops in a twofold direction in which wages, wage and working conditions among many unskilled and low-paid service sector are under pressure, and where the highly educated and workers in more protected industries are experiencing increased demand and confidence. It may seem divisive at the Norwegian tradition of cooperation and put pressure on the Norwegian welfare model “, according to the new report.

Dagbladet has not been able to get comment from the NHO.

Labour Party’s  county-teams want have impact assessment

There are probably large deposits of oil off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

Ten of the Labour Party’s county-teams wants impact assessment of oil drilling off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

Ten of the Labour Party’s (Ap) county-teams wants impact of oil drilling off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja. Five county’s opponents, while four have not decided.

Labour Party is thus strongly split over oil drilling in the northern front of congress about a month.

In late January, the Council of Labor program in order to assess the impact areas off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

In 2011 celebrated the Socialist Left Party and environmentalists that the AP and the other two coalition parties decided to wait to open the vulnerable areas for oil exploration.

Only Oslo clearly says no

A majority of county teams Labour now say yes to the impact study areas, but many of these county teams are small. Together, they have no more than 124 out of a total of 300 delegates, Dagsavisen.

Oslo is among county teams, which clearly says no to the impact of oil drilling off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

A nearly unanimous Joint Labor in favor of impact. Only AUF leader Eskil Pedersen opposed the proposal.



Nature and Youth is delighted that both Møre-Romsdal and Akershus Labour has said no to a preliminary environmental impact of oil operations off Lofoten and Vesterålen.

It was a very good news to wake up to. Hopefully this can send important signals to the Labor deputy Helga Pedersen and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg that these are key areas that should not and can be opened, the chairman of the Nature and Youth Silje Lundberg NTB.

Lundberg believes this demonstrates the change of mood within the Labour Party.

– It shows that Møre-Romsdal and Akershus Labour dare to rely on their youth. AUF say no, and they have worked well with this case, said Lundberg.

– Solid majority in the
Annual Meeting in Oslo Labor says no to examine the impact of oil activities outside Lofoten and Senja in the coming parliamentary term.

The decision, which comes Nordland VI, Nordland VII and Troms II, was taken Sunday morning.

– A solid majority of the delegates voted for the proposal, said County Secretary breathed Ruud Goksøyr NTB.


Here are the areas Akershus Labour Party currently will close for oil drilling.

Møre-Romsdal Labour Party: – No oil now

Also Møre-Romsdal Labour Party’s annual conference said no to the preliminary impact of oil operations off Lofoten and Senja.

The decision, which comes Nordland VI, Nordland VII and Troms II, was issued Sunday morning by a narrow majority, 67 to 62 votes.

– The proposal from the county party’s control to open for impact assessment, was rejected, said annual meeting director, Mayor Roger Osen in Smøla municipality, NTB.

– Must be adopted at the national convention
The AGM also adopted an additional resolution that demands the further process in labor, should it become necessary to examine the impact oil exploration in Lofoten and Senja.

This decision requires that any opening of Nordland VI, VII and Troms II must be treated by the Labour Party’s national convention, which is the party’s highest body.

The program-Committee said yes

Thus goes the two county parties in the Labor Party’s program committee in January went on to examine the impact Lofoten.

– Now the Government has conducted a very thorough knowledge acquisition. We have gained new knowledge about employment effects, environment and relationship with the fishing industry. The knowledge we have today suggests that we should go ahead with an impact, said Helga Pedersen, Deputy Labour to in January.

Socialist Left Party will never fail Lofoten

Anyone who supports us in northern Norway and elsewhere in the country: Socialist Left Party will never fail in the struggle for an oil-free Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja, says Audun Lysbakken.

Socialist Left Party leader Audun Lysbakken spent much of his speech to the party congress at Rally for battle against oil drilling off Lofoten.

The question of yes or no to oil drilling off Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja is a national choices and values​​. It is the test of whether we are a country where oil takes precedence over all other considerations, or whether we are a people who know the value of more than money, said Lysbakken before he stated to the applause of the convention:

– Anyone who supports us in northern Norway and elsewhere in the country: Socialist Left Party will never fail in the struggle for an oil-free Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

He went directly to the attack on oljetilhengernes arguments.

– Oil Advocates tries periodically to portray opponents as coffee latte-drinking southerner who will stand in the way of development in the north. It makes me angry. For then depicts the Northern Norway as a sort of poor countries without ideas, which have saved the oil industry, said Socialist Left Party leader.

He stated that drilling at best will provide a fifth of the jobs that fishing and tourism provide today.

25 billion NOK

Lysbakken went on to tell what the party thinks they can do for the 25 billion that the Conservatives have promised tax cuts. It’s about teachers, day care, research, train, new housing and the fight against poverty.

– Our clear message for the next four years are: Not one tax cuts to the wealthy whine class, was the message from Socialist Left Party leader.

The party, which in many ways has gathering in the bottom of Lillestrøm, heard Lysbakken tell that Socialist Left Party will introduce a national minimum standard for social assistance, set up 1,500 new jobs at health centers and school health, still introducing school meals and more physical activity – and make sure to build 40,000 new homes a year in a national housing plan to ensure all a good place to stay at an affordable price.

Europe in crisis

Socialist Left Party leader went on to talk about the party’s nursery Mode # 2, a quality reform, more generous attitude towards asylum children, peace, development policy and solidarity linked to the economic crisis in Europe.

– This crisis is caused by years of EU neoliberal policies. And Norway is not an island in Europe. There is no reason to believe that not the economic and political crisis in the EU will affect the future here, too, said Lysbakken.

Fishermen say NO: – fishing industry will have windmills close to the fishing grounds, says managing director of Nordland county fishermen, Steinar Jonassen.

Wind power in the waters along the Nordland is not compatible with fisheries, says managing director of Nordland county fishermen, Steinar Jonassen.

Development of offshore wind power will come into conflict with the interests of the fishing industry, the fishermen themselves.

– Coexistence of fisheries and wind farms are in many cases impossible. It is incomprehensible that the fishing grounds off Lofoten impact assessment, Jonassen said the county association.

Expecting that the Council followed

15 waters are examined in terms of the opening of offshore wind. Four of these areas are located in Nordland: Nordmela, Gimsøy north, Selvær and Træna west.

NVE recommends that these are not developed.

Jonas Senn is satisfied that the sea off Nordland appears to be free of wind power and expects the Petroleum and Energy Ministry follows the recommendation from NVE.

– I see it as very surprising if the Agency does not follow the advice that there should be established wind farms in these areas in Nordland.

Broad consultation before anything is certain

But in the oil and energy ministry will not currently listed sites.

– Now we will examine closely the advice, then send it out on a broad consultation. For then left to take a decision, said Ms Ane Kismul.

NVE’s recommendation is made ​​on the basis of 12 technical reports. These are performed by a reference group of NVE, the Norwegian Coastal Administration, Directorate of Fisheries, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate and the Directorate for Nature Management and several consulting companies.

In BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPE: How windmills on Gimsøy(island), if they come (to the right in the picture).